
Probably the biggest feature is the ability Marla theme to customize thanks to the API which was added in WP 3.4

From a single screen you can customize your site and see the result instantly.


Personalizar Marla — WordPress

  • 3 styles to start (blue, light or dark)
  • Header:
    • custom Logo
    • Image / background color
    • Show / hide site title and description
    • Leaving the fixed header and always visible
  • Customize colors (links, backgrounds, headlines)
  • Posts:
    • Shows a slider with 3 entries related
    • Displays the author bio and photo with a link to their networks.
    • Displays tags or categories prominently.
  • Background image covering the entire screen, provides 3 sample
  • Social elements
    • Twitter and Facebook widget in the header
    • Add subtle icons with links to your social networks in the footnotes and biography of author (twitter, FB, Vimeo, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest)
  • Footer fixed and always visible.
  • Navigation menu: menu make as many levels as you want and customize their colors.
  • Typography:
    • Choose from one of the 10 fonts popular Google Web Fonts.
    • Increase or decrease the text size.
  • Add custom CSS
  • Add extra code like Google Analytics without touching the theme files.
26 August, 2013

8 thoughts on “Options

  1. Hello from the Philippines!

    Thank you very much for the effort and care in putting up this great theme.

    More power and blessings to you!

    Best regards,

  2. Me gusta mucho este tema, sobre todo porque es azul. Pero actualmente tengo problemas con los iconos sociales tanto en el pie de pagina como en los pluggins de la cabecera. Tendria alguien una idea de porque no aparecen??

    Muchas gracias de nuevo. 🙂

  3. Hi–I just found this theme yesterday and it is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing so generously.
    I do have one problem and hope you can help me. I cannot figure out how to remove the word “logo” as it overwrites my uploaded header.

    • Hi Denise,

      Thanks for using Marla. In order to remove the “logo” you just have to upload a new header image on the customize panel for the theme.


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