Marla WordPress Theme download

Marla is a free WordPress theme, you can download it from or (I really appreciate it) spreading the word

Download Marla WP theme

I hope you enjoy it and make the most of it.

Please leave me a comment with your site so I can see how you customized it and I can add it to the gallery.

21 thoughts on “Marla WordPress Theme download

  1. Me gustaria alterar la largura del post. Me parece mui estreito para postagens superiores a una página, pero non encontré como hacer. Poderia habilitar este procedimiento?
    Parabéns, el tema es muy belo e atraente.

    • Hola Mauro,

      Para aumentar la anchura por defecto de los posts debes añadir en al campo extra CSS y sustituir YOURWIDTH por el ancho que prefieras, ej: 650

      @media only screen and (min-width : 1070px) {

      #content, .slider, .entry-content img, .entry-content iframe, .entry-content object, .entry-content embed, .author-bio, #content .widget
      { width: YOURWIDTHpx;}


      If you want to change the default large size for images and default width for embed objects you must edit this two lines on the functions.php file:

      $embed_size['width'] = YOURWIDTH;
      update_option('large_size_w', YOURWIDTH);

      Me acabo de dar cuenta que te escribí primero en español y luego en inglés 😉

      Cualquier duda puedes hacerla en este foro o si es inglés aquí

      Gracias por utilizar Marla

  2. After tearing my hair out, I was delighted to find the Marla theme which is perfect for my site – the layout is great. My only problem is that I want to disable infinite scroll and can’t seem to get help on how to do that.

  3. Hi ceslava. Thank you for this theme, it works great for me.
    I just have one question, can I change the way the next/previous post links work?
    Right now they seem a bit small, and they say the name of the next/previous post. I would like them to be bigger, easier to see on the page, and maybe to say NEXT/PREVIOUS. Can I change that?

    Best regards,

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